· Punjab Land Record Society Manual- With an aim to make the state digital and modern, the Punjab government introduced an online portal to access Punjab land records online. For this purpose, an online platform, Jamabandi Punjab Portal has been set up under the Punjab Land Records Society. The portal allows the residents of the state to view and check the status of their respective . The Punjab Land Records Manual was compiled and issued during the year A thorough revision of the Manual became necessary as a very large number of provisions have been amended from time to time. In fact a large number of prvisions have no applicability now in the changed circumstances. PUNJAB LAND RECORD MANUAL. Attachment Size; PUNJAB LAND RECORD MANUAL: MB: Search form. Enter search keyword. Search. Hon'ble Revenue Minister.
Registration of Deeds - ROD Punjab Land Records Authority. info@www.doorway.ru; Punjab Land Records Authority - PLRA. Home - Punjab Land Records. Disclaimer: Updated information is available on website and physical visit is not required. Home | Department of Administrative Reforms Public.
Thorough test of the work of the land records agency at tehsils - The work of the land record agency should be thoroughly tested at the half-yearly inspection of the tehsil offices prescribed in standing order No and in paragrph of the Land Administration Manual. A statement of the chief points requiring Manual. PUNJAB LAND ADMINISTRATION MANUAL CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY 1. Land revenue not a tax, but rent payable to the State. In the first edition of this work it was contended that the land revenue was a rent and not a land tax, and this view has been retained in the opening paragraphs of the fourth edition of the Settlement Manual. Punjab Land Records Authority (PLRA) has been set up under the administrative control of the Board of Revenue, Government o f the Punjab. Background The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (December, ) of the Government of Pakistan (GOP) highlights the importance of the rural economy for poverty reduction and sustained economic growth.